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Family Values

Source Ultimate Campaign pg. 167
You can create and describe the individual members of your character’s family using rules in Nonplayer Characters and the guidelines earlier in this chapter, but a true family is more than a collection of NPCs with the same surname. Families have traditions, values, and a shared folklore that sets them apart, even from other groups in the same culture. When developing your character’s family, you should consider what makes that family unique.

Does the family have any famous ancestors that they’re proud or embarrassed of? What stories do the family elders tell about them? What stories do other family members tell? Does the family follow any special naming traditions, or worship a deity unusual for the region? What songs do they sing? Do any members have notorious reputations? Does the family have a motto? What values do they hold and what behaviors do they condemn? These are just a few examples of questions you can use to breathe life into the family and give its members a sense of cohesion.